Often, businesses implement new initiatives, systems or processes expecting these things to radically change the business and expecting a massive ROI and what happens?


Absolutely nothing. At best, employees might ignore it and at worst, they abhor the new system or process.


Communicating changes to your employees is extremely important. Communications must be filtered down from the top because the continuous championing and adoption of new processes is up to the leadership team, however the true marker of success is up to the team’s rate of adoption plus the benefits that it brings to the business.

Team Engagement: How We Help

Team Engagement and Communication Strategy Singapore Image

Team Engagement and Communication Strategy


Whenever a new project is initiated or new consultants brought in, many employees in most companies tend to resist. Most people are resistant to change until they fully understand and relate to the benefits. Yet, most companies do not communicate this to their employees and simply inform them about a new system or process that they should follow. The basic human nature that calls for rebellion due to lack of understanding kicks in.

We guide employees out of their comfort zone with a strategy on communicating the new change, the reasons behind it and the benefits of the change.

On-going Programme & Change management


Once the consultants leave, what happens to the newly implemented programme or projects?


They are often chuck aside once the initial furor wears out. Sadly, many businesses do not invest in enough resources or put in place enough controls for the programme to succeed. Employees also cannot be expected to change and adapt within a short period of time.


We help you make sure that the programme objectives are met, that the control structure of the programme is put in place and the sponsor is well equipped to continue the ongoing management of the programme.

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Invicta Digital Transformation Singapore

Shared Purpose (Know Your Why)


Crafting a purpose is not a branding process, it should be a business effort crafted right at the beginning of any programme engagement.


We believe that team engagement and purpose is so much more than knowing what you do as a business. It is going back to the basics, the benefits that your business or the change you are implementing truly provides for your customers. A shared purpose in a company is a springboard, a starting point towards a unified team effort towards something bigger than their individual selves.


We help you craft this purpose and communicate it as well.

Quit Waiting. Begin Your Digital Transformation Journey with INVICTA Today.